Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rain is so appropriate today!

A year ago today, a wonderful woman passed away. She was a victim of domestic violence. It's sad to think about, but I find comfort knowing she is in a better place. Rest in peace Felisha.
Asking all of my friends to say a prayer of comfort and peace for her family and children today..

He's still by your side, even though the storms..

Bentley is still cranky from his shots yesterday =( And to top it off, I ran a fever all night. I woke up this morning with a sore throat, body aches and a horrible headache. Fell back asleep, and woke up with two fever blisters. (I loatheeeeee these things!) I guess we're both going to snuggle all day, and listen to the rain fall. =)

I also learned this morning that the Appling County Board of Education decided not to renew the contract for the principal at Brevin's school. I'm really upset about this! Mr. Townsend is a wonderful man, and I think he has done an excellent job this year with our children.

I know God has a purpose and a plan for everything and His will, will be done!

It seems my family is about to go through quite a big storm, as well. I know we will make it through it, and the Lord has already fought this battle for us. I just keep reminding myself of an email someone once sent me:

" Everyone you meet is either coming into a storm, going through a storm, or just coming out of a storm..It's how hard you pray and not just believe, but KNOW that the Lord will see you through your times of trials, that will determine how you will handle it"

I'm off to snuggle with my little blue eyed blessing..more later ..=)

"And I know there will be days when this life bring me pain. But if that's what it takes to Praise You, Jesus bring the rain"

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