Monday, May 10, 2010

Bring me anything that brings You glory!!

I started this blog a week ago, and I'm already behind on blogging. I'm sorry folks, guess it's time for a much needed update..and I'd like say a few things that have been weighing on my heart lately..=)

I hope all my fellow Mommies out there enjoyed their Mother's Day as much as I did. I had all 3 boys and whew..!! I didn't get to go to church (boooo..), but I did spend the day with my Mama and the kids (+ hubs) at the lake. After spending alllllll day there, Brevin, Cody and I (+ Bent in his car seat!) went creek fishing..The guys did pretty well..about 10 in 15 mins. Niceeee little hunny hole I hope to go back to and make more memories with the men <3 id="SPELLING_ERROR_6" class="blsp-spelling-error">Brevin's dedication day. I'm going to do something (or I plan to!) that is NOT the norm. I want to make that day sooooo special. I'm excited! Vacation is coming up and June (...ahhh..will be nice to take a breath!) And Cody is working 2 JOBS. Goodness..Surely, you see the Lord is blessing us IMMENSELY.

I praise HIM for it!

I have a confession to make as well..The Lord has really been laying it on my heart to join the choir...(Cue Sister Bonita cheering me on..LOVE YOU!) Along with my husband and mother in law who really feel like this is one of my callings to the Lord.
I'm going to be HONEST, I feel like I can't sing worth a lick! course..around the house doing chores..MOTIVATION. However, getting in front of 100 + people singing (with my screeching to top it!) well..It brings butterflies to my belly. However, I will do whatever it takes to Praise Him!! And if this is the place He wants me to be, I'll do it! So..after a lot of prayer, I have decided to sing a special. For a very longggg time I have been wanting to sing " No love lost" By Jason Crabb. I have felt like this song was my testimony..Loves it! (Listen to it folks, it will bless your heart for sure!) But..after the recent weeks..going through a few little dark patches and rain clouds (Okay..I won't lie..the devil has been JEALOUS of the way I've just been so in tuned to my Lord..Praising Him the glory! He's really been trying to snake his way into my's sooooo easy for me to shout..

Satan, Get under my feet! You're behind me! My GOD is in front of me! =)

I have really been listening to "Bring the Rain" By MercyMe. I think the Lord has really put this song in front of me for reasons, and I think I am going to start working with this song. I'm excited to see where the Lord takes me with this..<3 id="SPELLING_ERROR_18" class="blsp-spelling-error">Anywho..I'll update more soon, Bentley is finally resting well, Cody and Brev are gone so I have a good chance of getting things done around here.

Pray for me. I've been battling with the devil for the past few weeks. He is in no way, shape nor form taking my eyes off God, however..I DISLIKE feeling his presence around me..I'm living for the Lord..NOT him!


"Whosoever is in Christ, is a new creation. Old things are passed away, behold, all things become new" 2 Corinthians 5:17

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rain is so appropriate today!

A year ago today, a wonderful woman passed away. She was a victim of domestic violence. It's sad to think about, but I find comfort knowing she is in a better place. Rest in peace Felisha.
Asking all of my friends to say a prayer of comfort and peace for her family and children today..

He's still by your side, even though the storms..

Bentley is still cranky from his shots yesterday =( And to top it off, I ran a fever all night. I woke up this morning with a sore throat, body aches and a horrible headache. Fell back asleep, and woke up with two fever blisters. (I loatheeeeee these things!) I guess we're both going to snuggle all day, and listen to the rain fall. =)

I also learned this morning that the Appling County Board of Education decided not to renew the contract for the principal at Brevin's school. I'm really upset about this! Mr. Townsend is a wonderful man, and I think he has done an excellent job this year with our children.

I know God has a purpose and a plan for everything and His will, will be done!

It seems my family is about to go through quite a big storm, as well. I know we will make it through it, and the Lord has already fought this battle for us. I just keep reminding myself of an email someone once sent me:

" Everyone you meet is either coming into a storm, going through a storm, or just coming out of a storm..It's how hard you pray and not just believe, but KNOW that the Lord will see you through your times of trials, that will determine how you will handle it"

I'm off to snuggle with my little blue eyed blessing..more later ..=)

"And I know there will be days when this life bring me pain. But if that's what it takes to Praise You, Jesus bring the rain"

Monday, May 3, 2010

First much to say!

I've decided it was time for me to start blogging. It's been a long time coming. It seems I have to much to say, so much to SHARE! My children do some of the neatest and most precious things, and I thought it was time I started jotting them down.
I also wanted to share my walk with the Lord. His Grace and Mercy never cease to amaze me. I must say, it's not always an easy walk. There are times when I walk on the rocky roads, climb the biggest mountains and face deep valleys, but my Lord is always there with me. He never leaves my side and is always telling me to press on, have faith, victory will come.

So I suppose I should start out with my day..=)

Bentley had his first shots today, and his 2 month check up. It's hard to believe my sweet little boo bear is already 2 months old. I waited a long, hard 9 months only to have him grow so quickly!! I wish I could just freeze time and keep him like he is now. (Okay..maybe fast forward to where he is able to hold his own bottle..=) He did pretty well, and like most Mommies, it hurt me more then it hurt him. He's sleeping now =)

My sweet Brevin will be graduating from KINDERGARTEN in a very short 3 weeks. It's bittersweet. That kid is my rock. I love all my children, but Brevin is really..really special to me. He has been there with me at my highest of highs and lowest of lows. He's been through a because of me making crappy decisions, but he's a strong baby. He's my heart, and he's so GROWN. Brevin is going to be my man of God, I firmly believe it. Brevin has a calling. I really have faith he is going to come home one day and tell me the Lord has laid it upon his heart to be a minister. I'm so excited about that, and can not wait for that day!! He is so strong in his faith. If you're ever around him, you can just feel God all over him. He has such a sweet personality (although at times he hides it for a little while). I'm looking forward to watching him grow, both in faith and as a child. It really make my heart ache a little because very soon he won't need me like he does now. I see every day he become a little more independent.

The Lord has really been blessing my family. I could not ask for more, I am so not deserving of what I have now. I really just pray for prayers of protection on the blessings that He is giving us.

God is so GOOD!

I've been in prayer about a lot of things here lately. Mostly about what the Lord asks of me, what He wants me to do. He has really been laying it on my heart lately to work with the youth. I really feel like this is my testimony. I was so weak when I was younger. I wasn't strong in faith and was basically running every which way I could to get away from the Lord.

But He never turned His back to me.

He knew eventually that I would come to Him. I am so thankful I did. He picked me up, dusted me off, forgave me and made me His. He loves me just as I am..and has never forsaken me.

His Grace is BEYOND sufficient.

I've been in prayer for about a year now, asking my Lord to give me a gift. A gift I KNEW He wanted me to have. I wanted so badly to be filled with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. I had prayed so hard about it, asking the Lord to touch me, give it to me. I waited and prayed patiently =) Last Sunday morning (April 25, 2010), my prayers were finally answered.

Praise the Lord!!

It's strange, in a way how it happens. I've had a lot of burdens on me here lately. I've honestly been laying then at His feet. I know He will carry my burdens for me. I've talked with my Pastor about them and really sought in the Lord the last couple of months. One of them have been about my headaches. I was so deep in prayer, and when the Pastor touched my head, I swear it felt like a rush of heat, shot from the crown of my head to the tips of my toes. I lost all control. I had no control over myself..He had taken my body and filled it with the Holy Spirit. I prayed..I'm sure most could hear me crying. It was such a comfort to feel him wrapping His presence around me. I prayed for my Lord to sanctify me. I prayed for Him to sanctify my mouth, my mind, my body, my soul. I prayed for Him to cleanse me from the crown of my head to the tips of my toes. To use me..

And then it flowed out of my mouth like water from a pitcher =)

From that point, I couldn't tell you what happened. It was all I blur. I just remember my body being on fire and I felt Him all around me. What a joyful day!!

I'm sure some have lost interest by now. But I have to go ahead and tell my readers:

I love my Lord!!

If you've come here expecting blogs about how I stayed out all night, partying, drinking..etc. You won't find that here. God has been good to me. I've never done anything to deserve all He has blessed me with and yet, He still continues to bless me. By the second!! I've never been high enough, drunk enough, nor has any man I have dated made me feel the way my Savior does.

My posts won't always be so detailed about my relationship with God, but He is first in my life and I am NOT ashamed of the Gospel!! =)


My life is what it is because of who HE is and what HE blesses me with.

Anywho, I think this post is long enough for my first one. It won't always be like this I'm sure, but I have a lot to say =)

I hope whoever reads this will enjoy reading about my family, my babies, and my ever growing relationship with God.

My life isn't always glamorous, but it keeps me on my toes!

"Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the Earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it." ~Isaiah 45:8

P.S.- Kylie..if you're reading this..please take a breather. I know after reading all of my grammatical errors you are pulling your hair out!!! =)=)=)